Would love to see more of any of the Newmann dragon AUs. Alternately, anything with Newt and Hermann and magic, I’m just always a slut for dragons. (I’ve been thinking about those AUs nonstop the past couple of days, like… that’s my brain’s current happy place when I need to reduce stress, so thank you for that!)

They fan out across the sky, close enough that their wings almost touch. Newt is a little higher, flying small circles around them and keeping his eyes on the ground. 

Stacker is riding Herc, lying flat down on his neck in full harness. He’s got a spyglass to one eyes, following the roads lining the swollen Totten river.

Hermann is leading them, his shoulder muscles are tight from this long flight, but he hasn’t said a word. Newt hesitates, wondering if he should suggest a break. By the Living and the Unborn, Hermann is beautiful. The armor hides the worst of the scars, and the way he flies- a long, rippling motion like sunlight on water, like a ray in the deep sea.

He looks up, meets Newt’s eyes, and gives a tired smile. Newt smiles back and-

“South-southwest!” Stacker shouts, “Five tails wide, south riverbank!”

Newt sees them. A huddle of Mountlings, two, maybe three Wisichers. They are on what’s left of a bridge, carried away by the floods. they are so far over that their tails are almost hanging into the waters.

Newt is about to dive, but Stacker holds up a hand. “Hold.” He’s scanning the area around with the spyglass. “They aren’t flying over,” He growls, “Why aren’t they-”

As if in answer, one of the Wisicher does exactly that. She spins around and launches herself off the bridge. Her wings flare in a dark, gleaming rainbow of colours, ripple and dance with every desperate beat-

The bolt hits her in mid flight.

A cry splits the air, and Newt only realises after a moment that it came from him. The bolt hits the dragon just under her wing joint, and seems to burst, a mesh of netting wrapping around and snaring the wing. She shrieks, and drops like a stone.

“Alexis- get her!” Stacker shouts, and Herc echoes it. The white furred Polora dives down to the river. “Everyone else-”

He breaks off, because Hermann had swept down into a dive.

“No!” Newt shouts, and drops after him. He can see the soldiers now, the sun glinting off the steel arms of their bolt thrower. He’d only ever heard of these things- had barely believed they existed-

Hermann doesn’t hesitate, he swings over the terrified dragons, and a gout of white flame bursts from his jaws.

The wet tree bursts into clouds of billowing grey smoke, blinding and choking. Newt lands with a bone-jarring bump, the mud sucking and splattering his armor. “Go!” He shouts to the frozen crowd- “Fly, quickly!”

“There are-” One of the Mountlings looks at him, her eyes rolling in panic. “We saw three, mounted- they’re here-”

“Go!” Herc lands hard beside him. Sasha is with Hermann, tearing out the hunting nest. Pieces of metal clatter, smoking, out of the hollow. One of the soldiers tries to climb out and Hermann spins, so fast Newt barely sees him move, and his tail catches the man on the back. He screams, spinning through the air to be sucked down into the dirty brown river. He doesn’t come up.

Horns blare. Hermann rears up, wings flaring, his eyes are wide, white and rolling. Flame is raging around his jaws red on the smoking black blood there. He shrieks, and spins around, stumbling down to the road.

“Prince, stop him!” Stacker shouts. Newt pounces and lands on his back. Hermann howls and his claws lash out- then stop.

Newt looks into his eyes. The fear, the terror. Was that the last thing he heard, before his family was murdered? Those same horns? “It’s okay.”

Another blare, shrill and brassy. Hermann shudders.

“We do this together.” Herc growls. He prowls forward, nudges Newt and Hermann gently behind him. “Sasha?”

“Thirty horse, some of those bolters.” She lands almost on top of Newt, her thick fur damp and spotted red with blood.

Stacker looks at the huddled mass of starving, exhausted dragons. “Go,” He says, more gently. “We’ll take them.”

This seems to work. Maybe it’s finally sank in that the rescue has arrived. They flail over the river in wild, desperate wingbeats, crashing into the far back and crawling away into the thick brush.

Alexis soars over them in return, a fine rain of filthy water dropping down. He’s more grey than white, shaking himself like a wet dog and spraying Herc, who hops and flares his wings in disgust. “She’s on the North bank, safe.”

Stacker nods, “We have a patrol coming.” He looks around, carefully. “Prince Newt, on the right. Charge their flank on my order. Alexis and Sasha- I’m sorry, but there’s a good muddy bank down there, hunker down and wait for them to come abreast. Herc and I will hit them face on and- Prince Hermann?”

Hermann trembles, his wings rise, tail lash.

“Stay at our side.” Herc says softly, “We need your fire.”

Dragon hermann and newt raise the dragonlings

In the end, they leave it up to the children to decide. “Would you like to go to school?” Newt looks down at the eager, thoughtful faces turned to him.

“You do not have to,” Hermann puts in, “We can call in tutors and have you taught here.”

“But Mako, Raleigh and Chuck all go to the school, and you’d be int he same year,” Newt continues, giving Hermann a sharp look. “So- think about it.”

They get a chorus of nods, and the children curl up and burrow into their hoard.

“Just because you had a shit time-” Newt growls to Hermann.

“And just because you enjoyed school doesn’t mean they will.” Hermann growls. “Besides, didn’t you tell me you had no friends?”

That stings. “I met other- nonhumans.” Newt snaps back, “I wouldn’t otherwise, that was pretty important.”

Hermann huffs, but seems inclined to let it go. The children have been keeping them up. “And you’ll get more rest if they’re tired out at school,” Newt adds.

“They will decide.” Hermann says finally, “At least they won’t be alone.”

“And Mako will look after them.”

Hermann sighs, and rests his head on the hoard, closing his eyes. Newt pads up beside him, and nuzzles him. “It’s okay. We’ll be there if anyone gives them trouble.”

“There’s only so much we can do.” Hermann murmurs.

Newt covers him with a wing, and Hermann pulls in a little closer. “We can go the tutoring route if it goes wrong.”

Hermann is still for a moment, then nods, very slightly.

And when the children agree they would like to try school. He smiles and is able to seem happy.

oohh, so many AUs! can i do multiple? Yith!dad AU and Dragon King AU (any version) and Hobbit AU 5+ please!

Yith!dad au

1- The Yith was a bit annoyed by having to take care of Hermann at first, but then Hermann proved himself helpful, and after talking with Monica he’s taken human child-raising customs as a research point.

2- Only Monica knows Lars is a Yith, everyone else thinks Lars is just a human with an interest in unknowable mysteries.

3- The real Lars has been locked up in a tower for the last few months after repeatedly assaulting other Yiths.

4- The Yith has been trying to be more ‘touchy’ with Hermann, it being apparently important for parents to hug children and express such physical affection. It’s debatable which of them felt more awkward and uncomfortable.

5- The Yith has another reason for having Hermannn make friends with the Deep Ones.  He hopes they will take him in and make him one of them, because they live forever, and so do Yiths, and the thought of Hermann growing old and dying is becoming more unbearable by the day.


Dragon King!AU (Dragon Hermann)

1- Although Hermann does tell them about the abuse he suffered in the south, he finds it hard to explain that the worst of it wasn’t the pain, but how it felt to be treated, day after day, month after month, years after year, like some utterly worthless animal.

2- Bastian had cared for Hermann to begin with, but as he grew up the prejudices of his world told, and he joined int he abuse to get approval from Lars and Karla.

3- Hermann was threatened with marriage to the north sicne he was very young. It was the only thing which kept him going.

4- Hermann still has nightmares about it, sometimes. He wakes up shivering, but Newt is there, and the fire in his belly, the strengthening wings on his back, and the bad dreams get a little further away every time.

5- Yarila had three eggs once. She was forced to leave one behind in her flight, and another was shot on her way out. Brelin’s egg was cracked too, but she was old enough to be able to survive.



1- Hermann has a lair several miles away, in a cluster of mountains. He doesn’t spend much time there at first, but over time, he starts bringing Newt there, and then they started to alternate.

2- Tendo still tries to keep contact with Newt, but it does disturb him that Newt is able to be friends with- well, Hermann. There’s too much bad blood still there.

3- Hermann doesn’t actually know he has the Hearthstone in his chest. He never knew he had a weak spot int he first place. No dragons ever do, it takes trusting someone else to know about it.

4- Newt started getting his tattoos before he really started suffering from his OCD, when it started kickking in, he used it almost as therapy.

Neither Newt or Hermann are quite over their issues. It’s not hurting them so often now, but they both know it’s there, waiting.

Hi, may I prompt for hobbit!au? Does Hermann get more for his hoard? How do they go about their interspecies sexy times? :grinsblush: apologies in advance if I am doing any of this wrongly -first time prompting in tumblr ^^

No problem! Usually just go on my page and click the ‘ask’ button, I’ve changed some of the colours so maybe it’ll work now.

Here,” Newt hops down beside Hermann, “I got you a surprise.”

Hermann lifts his long narrow head from their nest of blankets, blinks lazy eyes at him, “Do tell,” he rumbles.

Newt slips down next to him, strokes a hand over his back. The fines scales are smooth under his hands, his hand skates over the impossibly complicated structure of muscles and tendons anchoring his wings and shoulders.

Hermann sighs, and rests his head in Newt’s lap.

“So I looked in at the shop- they’ve had some trade from the south, and I put in a bit of the money we made for clearing out that snow and-” Newt pulls out a tangle of strange chain that makes Hermann perk up.

He looks into Hermann’s eyes carefully as he hands him the tangle of chain, watching for any tension of panic like last time. There’s a flicker of- something, but he blinks, and it’s gone. He spreads the masses of fine chains between his hands, those long, delicate, claw-tipped hands. Newt swallows.

Hermann looks up, and smiles. He knows what he is thinking. He forms a loop in the chain, and hooks it behind Newt’s neck, pulling him down.

Newt closes his eyes, kisses him.

It’s never quite normal, their mouths are not quite the right shape to fit together, there’s always a bite of tooth and scale, Newt’s lips slipping wetly over Hermann’s hot, dry ones.

But it’s bright, sweet and fierce, tastes of smoke and flame. Newt sinks down beside him, feels the chains slip down around him, tying them together. Hermann’s claws slip hungrily across his belly, Newt’s feet slide in between his legs, feels the lash of Hermann’s tail as he settles down beside him.

Hermann hunches over him, so bright, so beautiful. Newt tilts his head up and meets the next kiss as Hermann settles on top of him, claws lightly digging in, weight solid and boiling with heat as though Newt was the hoard he longed to claim.

I’m definitely itching for more Dragon King Newt (either with human or dragon Hermann, honestly– I’m super into both)

They can only fly is short bursts. Hermann wants to keep going, fly on and one and- maybe never come to ground again, but between Newt and his doctor, they force him down every few miles to rest and stretching his wings to keep them from getting over-tired.

Finally, after two days of flying and sleeping in the camps Illia has ordered prepared for them, they reach the edge of the first encampment.

There, they are hurried into a pavilion to be fitted for appropriate wear. Illia comes in as an armourer is tightening the straps of his delicate, embossed armor.

Maybe it’s the armor, or maybe it’s having his flame and wings back, but Hermann feels a little- bigger, a little more confident when he steps in.

Illia puts his arms around Newt’s neck and hugs him, Newt puts a careful hand on his back, then he turns to Hermann. “Thank you for coming, Prince.” He bows very low.

“I want to be a part of this.” Hermann says softly. “You named it after me, and-” he looks down at himself, “I want to help.”

“Just being here is help enough. “ Illia assures him. “When you are ready, my lords.” He bows again, and steps out.

Hermann moves carefully, getting used to the weight of the armor on him. Her has a helmet on his head, crafted to fit around his long face and slip around his arching horns. The overlapping plates are black, engraved in silver, and cover his neck and back all the way to his tail, and fine black main is draped over his belly and throat, and hang around his wings to hide the worst of the scars.

Newt is in gold and blue, like his scales, the plates heavier, the helmet almost a crown, framing his face. He gently nudges Hermann and smiles at him. “Are you okay?”

Hermann takes a breath. “Yes.” And it’s the truth, since Newt’s wonderful honeymoon, he’s been feeling much better. And since he had found his flame and wings again, he feels like quite a different dragon.

Newt smiles, and leads them out of the tent.

Hermann stares as they step out. A small army is waiting for them, and begins to cheer as they step into view. Newt smiles and fans his wings, twines his tail with Hermann and nuzzles him again.

Hermann can only stare. So many humans. The dragons make up the bulk of the army, but at least a third or more as humans. And they are cheering too. Cheering not a dragon brought low, but one that ruled over them.

Newt looks at him. So does Illia, they want him to speak, to say something, and Hermann’s mind has gone blank. He steps up to the podium, and looks down at the crowd. The humans armed with glaives and spears- weapons for fighting on dragonback- the dragons with tailblades and wingrazors, many armored in steel and leather.

There are Mountlings, and Verslivs with their dull yellow hides, Gravels in deep, ruddy red. And, here and there. Wisichers, like him. Their hides deep, glosssy black and many showing old wounds on their own. He cannot take his eyes of them. He hasn’t seen his own living brethren in so long.

“You-” his voice cracks, he swallows. “You have heard about the South- some of them have come from there, and you already know. But to you from the North.” he draws a breath. “Everything you have heard is right- and more than right. It is as bad as you have heard. All coming here are running for their lives. They want us all dead or-” he stretches his wounded, aching, wonderful wings- “worse than dead.”

He looks around them again. “And to you who have come from the South, who may not trust the- the Royal dragon.” his stomach heaves at the words. “I would rather have died, a thousand times, than have lived like that.”

There is silence. Hermann doesn’t know what else to say, the weight of the attention on him makes his legs buckle.

“We will cover the Totten river.” Newt puts in quickly. “And bring any refugees to the camp. Anmd if we find any hunting parties-” he grins, shows his teeth. “I think we can show them how to hunt.”

That gets a cheer. Illia steps up to address the men, but Hermann doesn’t move, lifts his head. “And Newt and I will lead the first hunt.”

Newt and Illia look at him. Illia slightly annoyed, Newt amazed. Hermann looks back at them, his heart thundering, and smiles, small but strong.

more dragon prince hermann getting comfortable in the south! maybe learning to trust A LITTLE LITTLE BIT humans over there

Hermann opens his wings, fans his crest and feels it ripple down his neck and tail as the fine membranes open to the air.

The chill mountain air beats against him, buoys him. Newt is already aloft, circling and banking against the crosswinds. He looks down at Hermann in concern.

He closes his eyes, and jumps. The wind strikes him in the chest and pushes him up, he cups his wings around the wind, his tail flicks down in what is half memory and mostly instinct and- oh.

He soars.

Newt is a surprised blur below him as he spirals and circles up, the mountains flare up around him- no longer towering over but now- part of him, as he is part of the sky, the landscape. Below him, he can see the river winding down through the uplands, the dramatic plume of the waterfall- even the tiny brown square of the hunting lodge.

He looks up, the sun cuts through the last trailing mists of the morning, stains the clouds and the snow caps gold. The horizon dips away, opens, widens. The sky endless blue above him, inviting.

He can leave.

For the first time in his life, he is really, truely free.

Hermann circles slowly once more, eyeing the distant edges of the world. He could go North, to the ice-floes and the crackling lights that dance in the sky. He can go East, to the unbroken line of impassable mountains- impassable by land, of course- and find out what lies in those mysterious lands beyond. He could go West, over the sea to the Dawnlands, where the rainbow sailed ships fly across the sea to every land in the known world.

He could even go South. Fly over that accurses land without touching it, and beyond it to Mictlan and the Plainhomes.

He could go anywhere.

Anywhere in the world.

Newt looks up as she fans down to land beside the lodge. The sheer relief in his eyes is heartbreaking. “You came back.”

Hermann smiles. His wings ache, his whole body is raw with the exertion. “Of course.”

He steps over to Newt, muscles singing with joy, and touches his head to Newt’s. “Where else would I go?”

oh, more of the Hobbit au! Do you think dragons can get sick, with like colds or the flu or something? Do they just burn it out by heating up a lot? How would H deal with that?

Newt wakes up feeling oddly chilly; he rolls over to find Hermann under the sheets and cuddle up and- he’s cold. His still, and cold, and unmoving under the sheets.

Newt isn’t really too sure what happened after that- quite a lot of screaming, and the world kinda blurred out with the hideous awful that’s just swallowed his world, but when it finally starts filtering back in, Hermann is holding him firmly to his chest, his whole body rigid.

“…Hermann…” Newt says in a tiny voice.

“Thank the gods.” Hermann grits out. “I can’t hang on much longer.”

Newt looks up, face damp with tears and frozen in horror. “What’s happening?”

“No time-” Hermann rears up and stumbles towards the door. He’s wavering, stumbling over his own feet, claws scrabbling and tearing at the door to get out.

Newt manages to get the handle and Hermann staggers out, turning his eyes blindly and- his scales are pale, almost orange, his eyes dim. “Hermann-”

“Not yet!” His voice is stiff, furious. He crawls up on all fours, to the top of the hill, looks around, and sighs. “I’m sorry for anything that falls in.” And suddenly explodes into full size.

His tail catches Newt across the belly and sends him into a small strand of trees. Newt untangles himself and hurries over where Hermann has sunk to the ground and moans softly.

“Are you okay?” Newt rushes over. “You’re not dying, please please don’t be-”

“I am not dying.” Hermann opens an exhausted eye. “I am, however, suffering what you might call a cold.”

“Oh.” Newt almost sags with relief. “You were so cold, I thought-” he breaks off, swallows.

Hermann sighs, and tucks Newt in against his head. “I am sorry for scaring you. My fire has just- gone down a little. It will be back soon, but until then.” he pulls a face, “And I have very little magical control.”

“Can I get you anything?” Newt says eagerly. “My uncle swore by honey and lemon drinks, I could try and scale one up.”

Hermann opens one eye, “And how many hive and bushels will you need for that?”

“We can try.”  Newt says firmly. “People like you, they can give up a few preserves and honey.”

Hermann looks at him, then sighs. “I feel so awful I’m quite willing to try-” he stops, shivers, then his rears his head up in a staggering sneeze.

It’s just as well he doesn’t have any fire, or half the Shire would be ablaze. “I’m gonna find the honey and lemon.” Newt says firmly.

more of the tortured dragon hermann??? what will happen of sees anyone of the Lars’ family again?

“You might need to kill them.” Newt rests his head on his side.

Hermann smiles. ‘That will not be a problem.”

Newt looks at him; he’s not quite smiling, but Hermann can feel his doubt. “I hate them, all of them.”

“Even the one who saved you?”

“Bastian.” Hermann breathes the boy’s name. His soft little hands, finding him among the smashed wreckage of his brothers and sisters, his mother’s headless body. “Him most of all.”

Newt stills, then sighs. “They were all bad?”

Hermann nods. “It wasn’t the pain.” Newt looks at him. “Well, it was not the worst. It was being a- a beast. A pet. They would have treated me well enough, if I had been a dog.” He sighs. “I cannot explain it. It is- the worst thing, to be treated like that, day after day, month after month.”

The cold sinks in on him, even through the heat of Newt’s body. He draws in a breath, lets the fire build in his belly, and lets loose a short blast of flame towards the open door. The lodge stirs at the sudden light.

He has his fire again. For the first time in a decade. If he sees Bastian again, wailing and red-faced to his father about whatever Hermann had done. The cold eyes, cold face, cold blade of Karla. Deitrich’s impassive gaze, dismissing him to already dead, beneath him, worthless.

And Lars.

He grits his teeth, and they feels sharp now. His claws, slowly sharpening as the blunt grows out and the edges sharpen on the castle stones. His flame. Just his wings now, and they grow stronger and stronger by the day.

Maybe it’s bravado. Maybe Newt’s right to doubt when too many humans had sent him in a panic only a few weeks ago. But he can fight now, he won’t cower again, press his belly to the ground and whimper under the whip. Never. Never.

“If you want, I can have some Kelflames invited to the castle when we return.”

“Who are they?” Hermann turns to look at him.

“Mountain dragons, they hollow out mountains with their fire- I can have them train you, if you like.”

“I don’t think I can burn that hot.” Hermann smiles.

“They don’t have it normally. Usually, their flame is as hot as a Mountling’s. But they’ve found ways to strength their fire, so if you want-”

Hermann smiles, and it is starting to sink in that this position… definitely has it’s benefits.

Dragon Hermann from the latest AU, i know you were terribly abused in the south, but did you ever came to like anyone from there?

Hermann: No. In fact, it was the very opposite. Those I thought might be friends, who might care- it just became clearer that they did not. 

I thought the young boy who begged I was allowed to live might have cared but… no. He just wanted a pet, and the moment I made it clear I was not.. some kind of dog, he no longer cared what happened to me. He was not a friend, he was a spoiled child who wanted a pet no one else had.

Those who wanted me to be beaten less- they still thought of me as an animal, a… thing. And when I showed myself to be more than that… they were usually happy to see me beaten.

I am glad they told me I was to be sent to the North so early on. It would have been… hard to bear otherwise.

Dragon Hermann from the latest AU, i know you were terribly abused in the south, but did you ever came to like anyone from there?

Hermann: No. In fact, it was the very opposite. Those I thought might be friends, who might care- it just became clearer that they did not. 

I thought the young boy who begged I was allowed to live might have cared but… no. He just wanted a pet, and the moment I made it clear I was not.. some kind of dog, he no longer cared what happened to me. He was not a friend, he was a spoiled child who wanted a pet no one else had.

Those who wanted me to be beaten less- they still thought of me as an animal, a… thing. And when I showed myself to be more than that… they were usually happy to see me beaten.

I am glad they told me I was to be sent to the North so early on. It would have been… hard to bear otherwise.